Habakkuk Music and BlackGospelPromo.com release CD featuring some of gospel’s top acts

Habakkuk Music and BlackGospelPromo.com have teamed up and released Got Gospel? The Best Indie Tracks, Yesterday, Today & Forever. This is the first of a series of compilation CDs to come.

According to BlackGospelPromo.com’s Veda Brown, creating a compilation CD has been a longtime interest.

“I’ve been wanting to do this for years.  So many of my friends in the industry have stepped up and allowed us to use their songs for this project and I’m grateful. Indie labels and artists have become a major force in music so we’ve selected some of the best indie tracks to create a must-have CD compilation.”

Got Gospel? The Best Indie Tracks, Yesterday, Today & Forever consists of 14 tracks by popular artists Vickie Winans, Lisa Page Brooks, Youthful Praise, Marvin Winans, Canton Jones, Bryan Wilson, Rance Allen and others.

Additional information about Habakkuk Music and BlackGospelPromo is available at www.habakkukmusic.com and www.blackgospelpromo.com, respectively.