“Nothing Left” – Jaicko Lawrence

Jaicko Lawrence "Nothing Left" CD artwork

“Nothing Left” feat. Kingservant
Jaicko Lawrence
Indie (2023)

By Libra Boyd
Gospel Music Fever

Jaicko Lawrence is a Barbadian singer-songwriter with writing credits for Akon, J-Hope, and Jay Sean, to name a few. After giving his life to Jesus, he redirected the focus of his singing and writing. “Windows” became his first big writing placement, appearing on Pastor Mike, Jr.’s Impossible album.

Recently, Jaicko released his own single titled “Nothing Left.” It’s an introspective urban contemporary/dance hall/reggae song that lifts up themes of faith and perseverance with the repeating rhetorical question, “Who can give me rest, the kind that’s for my soul when I’ve got nothing left?” alongside other lyrical declarations like, “I just keep on looking to the hills; that’s where my help comes.” Jaicko is joined on this single by reggae artist Kingservant.

“This Joy” – Torrance Rudd

“This Joy”
Torrance Rudd
Indie (2023)

Torrance Rudd single cover

By Libra Boyd
Gospel Music Fever

Born and raised in a family of singers and musicians, Torrance Rudd started rapping at the age of 11. Since accepting Jesus as his Lord and Savior at 18, he has dedicated himself and his music to glorifying God. He testifies to the joy of being the King’s kid in his urban contemporary single, “This Joy.”

Torrance grabs hold of a familiar church cliché—”this joy that I have, the world didn’t give it to me”—and attaches his personal testimony of salvation and renewal. I expected rap but Torrance sings melodiously over a modest R&B chord progression heavily punctuated with synths and percussion. It’s a feel-good message with a skate party vibe.

“I need you to forget about your problems, grab your loved one by the hand, and take them to the dance floor ’cause it’s about to go down!” Torrance calls out near the end of the track.

Bruh, we’ve been dancing the whole time!