“Greater Is Coming” [Album Version]
Jekalyn Carr
From the upcoming CD, Greater Is Coming (Spring 2013)

Jekalyn Carr’s résumé resembles that of someone who’s been in the business for as long as she is old.
A frequent psalmist at Benny Hinn crusades, a fiery evangelist whose YouTube videos show her preaching preceding generations into frenzies, and a special musical guest on the Word Network, the 15 year-old diminutive dynamo makes quite an authoritative declaration with the single “Greater Is Coming,” from her forthcoming CD of the same title.
Jekalyn pours every ounce of conviction she can muster into this worshipful ballad of affirmation to proclaim that “greater” is just over the horizon. Her intensity is palpable as she announces, “Look out World, here comes your Healer! Look out World, here comes your Deliverer!”
Look out World, here comes powerhouse Jekalyn Carr.

Libra Nicole Boyd, PhD is a musician, award-winning author, gospel music aficionado, and the founder and editor of Gospel Music Fever™. Her commitment to journalistic integrity includes bringing you reliable gospel music content that uplifts and advances the art form. Libra is presently working on several scholarly projects about gospel music in the media as well as gospel music in social movements.