Recently posted on the Stellar Awards website:
Stellar Awards Fan Favorite Quartet of the Year
Although Quartets are a staple in the gospel music industry, the Stellar Awards criteria does not facilitate nationwide inclusion. Therefore, the category would be eliminated. However, because of the importance of quartets, the Stellar Awards Executive Board and Nominating Committee voted to have a separate Fan Favorite Quartet category, consisting of quartet projects released during our eligibility period. The Stellar Nominating Committee identified the quartets that will appear on the initial ballot and this initial list includes those quartets that were qualified to meet the initial Stellar Awards criteria.
The first Fan Favorite Quartet ballot will be available online at from October 25, 2013 – November 8, 2013. The top vote-getters from that ballot will move on to a second and final ballot, which will be voted on from November 15th to November 29th. The top four vote-getters from the second ballot will become the Fan Favorite Quartet Nominees and the winner will be announced during the Stellar Awards Pre-Show in Nashville on Friday, January 17, 2014.

Libra Nicole Boyd, PhD is a musician, award-winning author, gospel music aficionado, and the founder and editor of Gospel Music Fever™. Her commitment to journalistic integrity includes bringing you reliable gospel music content that uplifts and advances the art form. Libra is presently working on several scholarly projects about gospel music in the media as well as gospel music in social movements.
Don't push the quartets out, the legends paved the way for groups to be able to sing when all we had was groups. There were times they slept in there cars and washed their faces in the due of the grass to travel and sing, it hurts my heart to see us not be included in everything. Watch out if your going to HEAVEN, the quartet singers are going there to.
Well, it's now up to quartet fans to show their love and support of this often marginalized genre that helped bring gospel into the national spotlight but is often kicked to the curb like an old shoe.