Divine Connections’ 4th Anniversary Celebration: Songs, Dance, and ‘Prayse’

Mime group Krazie Prayse from Burlington, NC, performs “Take My Life (Holiness)” at Saturday’s anniversary of Divine Connections in Durham. Check out their YouTube channel here, and like them on Facebook here.

The W.H. Amos Praise and Worship Mass Choir wrecks the house.
GMF recently interviewed Deloris Williams of Divine Connections. Read it here: Deloris Williams, entrepreneur and author, talks about the value of ‘divine connections’.  
See more pics from yesterday’s celebration on the Gospel Music Fever Facebook page. GMF thanks Deloris for the opportunity to be a part.

R.I.P. Edna Tatum

Joseph Middleton of The Golden Era Gospel Blog informed GMF of the passing of Edna Tatum.

Edna was a longtime commentator and broadcaster who was also recognized for her narrative collaborations with Rev. James Cleveland, Albertina Walker, and others.

I was introduced to Edna by Bro. Steve Harris in 2012, and I fondly remember her warmth and her encouraging words to me as a newcomer to the GMWA convention.

GMF extends sympathy to her family, friends, and industry colleagues.

Read about Edna’s ministry and homegoing arrangements in the Los Angeles Sentinel

Annual Gospel Fashion/Dinner Show to benefit Duke Stroke Center – April 5

Joy Armour-Williams and A Touch of Joy Outreach Ministries, Inc. are calling on the community to come out and help bring awareness to, and raise money for, the Duke Stroke Center. 

4th Annual Gospel Fashion/Dinner Show
Saturday, April 5, 2014
6-10 PM (doors open at 5:30)

Campus Hill Community Center
2100 S. Alston Ave
Durham, NC
Tickets: Adults – $25; Children – $15; Under 5 – Free
Tickets may be purchased at www.atjomi.com.

Click flyer to enlarge

Virginia Caesar Reed, sister of Shirley Caesar, passes

Please join GMF in sending prayers up on behalf of Pastor Shirley Caesar and family. Pastor Caesar’s last surviving sister Virginia Caesar Reed has gone to be with the Lord (March 10, according to Scarborough and Hargett Funeral Home, Inc.), after several years of declining health.  She was 89 years old.  GMF thanks Biddy Newborn for passing along the news.

In Pastor Caesar’s autobiography The Lady, The Melody, & The Word, Reed said of her younger sister, “By the time Shirley was born, I had already moved away from home, but I would often bring her over to spend the night with me. No one could have told me that my little sister would one day sing for presidents, governors, and heads of state. I am very proud of her.”

The homegoing celebration has been announced for Sunday, March 16, at 2:00 PM, at Mount Calvary Word of Faith Church.  The church is located at 3100 Sanderford Road in Raleigh, NC. 

Deloris Williams, entrepreneur and author, talks about the value of 'divine connections'

By Libra Boyd, Founder & Editor
Gospel Music Fever

Deloris WilliamsDeloris Williams makes an impact by helping others to be successful. The only match to her talent for creating meaningful connections among people, businesses, and organizations is her ambition as a businesswoman, author, and the CEO of Divine Connections. Deloris has an entrepreneurial spirit, and GMF’s Libra Boyd invited her to talk about her company’s impact, her current book, and the key to effective networking.

Libra:  Divine Connections is in its fourth year of existence. Tell us the inspiration for and purpose of Divine Connections.

Deloris:  I am a self-motivated entrepreneur at heart. Through various experiences with several companies, the desire to pursue my own business grew stronger every day. From that experience, I gained a wealth of knowledge, recognizing that believing in myself, getting organized, and creating a system for success would enable me to accomplish my goals. I believe that goals are met when the system you create produces the positive results you desire.

Divine Connections was birthed from my life experiences that derived from people looking for specific services. Somehow, the requestors knew I had connections with individuals to meet needs and provide solutions. The purpose of it is to spread the good news of things happening in the community. Divine Connections is divided into two major categories which are publications and events. My company publishes a quarterly magazine (Divine Connections Magazine) that includes entrepreneurs, businesses, and opportunities; inspirational quotes; community events; and overall inspiration. The other months, I publish a newsletter sharing more vital information as I make new connections. I also host an annual event to celebrate my yearly accomplishments which includes various ministry gifts, praise dancing, miming, vendors, friends, family, and the community–giving God all the glory for what He has done!

Libra:  How would you explain your company’s impact?

Deloris:  My company allows business owners, churches, and the community to stay connected by providing resources that impact the quality of life. There are so many positive things going on in the community, church, and world, but they sometimes are overlooked or suppressed because the media pushes a lot of [negativity]. Divine Connections is that media [outlet] that stands for God, positive people, positive places, and positive media. Divine Connections is that light that shines to let the world know, “You Can Do It!  Make It Happen & Handle Your Business.” God has given me this opportunity to shine the light through Divine Connections.

Libra:  Speaking of “You Can Do It!  Make It Happen & Handle Your Business,” you’ve published a book by that name, and it seems to be as motivational as it is practical. Tell us more about it.

Deloris:  I wanted to share my experiences with others and not only let them know that they can accomplish the “impossible,” but give them some knowledge to assist them on their journey through my book, You Can Do It! Make It Happen & Handle Your Business. In this book, I simply lay out things I accomplished in my life, my thought process, and the plan of action of how I made things happen with the help of the Lord. I cover a vast [range] of information such as graduating from college with no loans; owning a home (as a single person); starting and growing a business; and maintaining focus, gratitude, and dependency of God.

Libra:  It’s apparent through your endeavors that you promote the power of networking. What do you believe to be the single most important key to creating those “divine connections”?

Deloris:  If I had to give just one answer I would say character. You can have the greatest gift, resource, connection, or service but character will help you maintain and grow your divine connections. This will allow you to build relationships with your network. Character builds the foundation of who you are and the value you possess. 

Click to enlarge

Deloris will celebrate the fourth anniversary of Divine Connections Saturday, March 15, with a gospel musical featuring The Yanceys, John Thorpe & Truth, Tre G and Exodus, and others.  Ticketed admission is $20 and includes a copy of Williams’ book.  It all takes place at:

Bethesda Elementary School
2009 South Miami Blvd
Durham, NC
1-5 PM

For more information about Deloris Williams & Divine Connections, her book, or tickets for the anniversary event, visit www.divineconnections.info.

Highway QCs' Spencer Taylor: "If you're gonna sing gospel, you got to know the Lord"

By Libra Boyd, Founder & Editor
Gospel Music Fever

Spencer Taylor has been on gospel’s battlefield with the Highway QC’s for nearly 60 of the group’s 69 years, and at 86 years old, he shows no signs of putting on the brakes.

The Highway QC’s are legendary. This is the same group whose line-up once consisted of Lou Rawls, Sam Cooke, and Johnnie Taylor (no relation). A younger Spencer Taylor probably could’ve chosen the secular road at some point, too; instead, he stuck with gospel. His fans sure are glad.

When I caught up with the dapper Mr. Taylor a while back, he was standing both unnoticed and undisturbed in the back of the auditorium he’d be wrecking in just a few more minutes with his most requested number, “Oh, How Wonderful.” Admittedly, I was impressed that he wasn’t cooped up in a dressing room or luxury bus waiting for his time to hit the stage. Instead, he was just hanging outchillin’visibly enjoying the performance of a lesser known quartet. As engaged as he was, he didn’t seem the least bit startled when I approached; and when I requested that he weigh in on his group’s longevity and offer advice to upcoming groups, he chimed in without hesitation.

Taylor’s take on the group’s relevance after nearly 70 years…

Well, through Christ….Anything you’re doing…only stands by the Word of God, and that has been our success. Staying with Godyou’ve got to stay with God.

Taylor’s advice to upcoming groups…

[You] must be born again. Be a Christian. If you’re gonna sing gospel, you got to know the Lord. That’s your first step. And I mean, [there’s] no other way around it….This is a must; it’s not a might. You know, you see some people who can sing, and they don’t know the Lord—and I could never try to pick out no one—but they don’t know Christ. They have a good voice, but they don’t realize how far they could go if they just accept Him and let Him be their total controller….You look at all them other people; they make millions of dollars, but if you sing for the Lord, don’t worry about that. You ain’t gotta worry about that, because He will supply your every need.  And that’s so clear, ya know….The first thing you got to do is be a born again Christian…can’t be straddlin’ the fence. Can’t serve two masters; the Bible says you’ll love one and hate the other one.

Sage advice, I called it.

“But it’s right,” Taylor insisted. “What I’m saying is…I don’t know anything to tell you but right. I make a habit of trying to tell people right.”



Clara Ward and the Famous Ward Singers Recordings 1949-1958

Clara Ward and the Famous Ward Singers
Recordings 1949-1958
Gospel Friend (2013) 

Clara Ward and the Ward Singer cd cover

By Libra Boyd, Founder & Editor
Gospel Music Fever

Fans of Golden Era gospel will enjoy the current release on the Gospel Friend imprint, Clara Ward and the Famous Ward Singers. Strolling, strutting, and sometimes shouting down Memory Lane with Clara Ward and the ladies presents 25 reasons “famous” managed to work its way into the group’s name.

Step back at least 55 years, and you will hear gospel singing at its finest. Prior to the days of heavy studio overdubs, electronic instruments, and pitch correction software, there were skilled voices honed from raw talent. Frances Steadman, Henrietta Waddy, Thelma Jackson, Willa Ward Royster (to whom the CD is dedicated), Marion Williams, and Clara were all top-notch lead vocalists. On this particular CD, Marion Williams–the only bona fide gospel artist to date to receive a Kennedy Center Honor–leads several of the numbers, including one of their hits, W.H. Brewster’s “I’m Climbing Higher and Higher” and her self-written “I’ll Be There.”  In contrast to Marion’s robust delivery is Clara’s refined soprano on Robert Anderson’s “Prayer Changes Things,” as well as Willa’s recognizable timbre on “Glory, Glory Hallelujah” and Frances Steadman’s stirring near-baritone on “God’s Amazing Love.”

As I said earlier, forget about the presence of the studio enhancements that give a lot of today’s gospel its marketable sound.  You won’t find them on this CD. What you’ll find are pure and piping unobstructed vocals complemented by piano and organ on the earliest dated tracks, and then drums and “sacred steel” guitar as the 1950s ushers in additional musical accompaniment.

I do not own Clara Ward and the Famous Ward Singers on vinyl, so I am ecstatic that producer Per Notini of Sweden has made this collection available in a format that gospel music aficionados can enjoy for years to come. If this reissue is ice cream, then the cherry on top is Robert Sacré’s comprehensive liner notes with photos interspersed.

In the United States, Clara Ward and the Famous Ward Singers is available at www.cityhallrecords.com.

“Prayer Changes Things” – “God’s Amazing Love” 

Fever Meter
SMOKIN’ (4 of 5 Stars)

Father Charles G. Hayes, founder & pastor of Cosmopolitan Church of Prayer, has died

Service information for Father Hayes

Jordan K. Phillips informed GMF that Dr. Charles G. Hayes, founder and pastor of Chicago’s Cosmopolitan Church of Prayer, has died (February 13).  He was 76 years old. 

Dr. Hayes and his famed choir, the Cosmopolitan Church of Prayer Choir, also known as The Mighty Warriors, recorded more than 30 albums over a 50-year period, including the perennial numbers “Jesus Can Work It Out” and “Step Back, Let God Do It.”

Our deepest condolences are extended to Dr. Hayes’ family, friends and fans, and the Cosmopolitan Church of Prayer.  GMF honors his rich legacy of ministry and music. The Black Gospel Blog’s Bob Marovich details it beautifully here

Homegoing arrangements are below.  Click the image to enlarge.  Services will be streamed live.

R.I.P. Sammy Terry of The Spiritual Highlights

Terry (seated) & The Spiritual Highlights

Stevie Macklin shared the news that Sammy Terry, lead singer of Sammy Terry and The Spiritual Highlights, passed away Thursday night, February 6, in Danville, VA, after several years of declining health. He was 73 years-old. GMF extends condolences to his family, friends, and the quartet community. 

Terry was a member of The Flying Clouds of Danville, The Sons of Calvary, and the Gospel Persuaders before organizing The Spiritual Highlights in the mid-1990’s (click the photo to enlarge).  The group went on to record a pair of projects, God is a Good God and He’s My Rock

Arrangements are as follows:

Monday, February 10, 2014
6 – 7 PM
Fisher & Watkins Funeral Home
707 Wilson St.
Danville, VA 24541

Homegoing Service
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
12 Noon
Bibleway Cathedral
215 Grant St.
Danville, VA 24541

"Our Father" – Jeff Carnie and Spectrum

“Our Father”
Jeff Carnie and Spectrum (2013)

Jeff Carnie and Spectrum

By Libra Boyd
Gospel Music Fever Editor

Uptempo contemporary worship best describes the light and invocative “Our Father,” from Jeff Carnie and Spectrum.  First released three years ago on the group’s full-length project, Complete, the single has now been re-released nationally. 

The B.J. Putnum-penned number opens with an immediately recognizable biblical passage (“Our Father who is in Heaven…”) set to a singable melody before Jeff and the group escort us to the chorus, taken from another familiar biblical passage: “Let everything that has breath…praise the Lord!”  There’s plenty of fusion, from the spirited horn section and Cuban-flavored percussion in the interlude to the union of the well-known texts from Matthew 6:9-13 and Psalm 150.

Ever since he wrote his first song at age twelve, Jeff demonstrated talent and gifting for music ministry, though it wasn’t immediately evident to Jeff himself.  Currently, he serves as worship pastor for the 8 am and 9:30 am services at First Baptist Church of Elk Grove (FBCEG), in California.